
ART.DE.NOUS is both a roadmap and a personal philosophy for meaningful change and a more uplifting way of life.

NOUS (νοῦς) has many meanings but for Aristotle it was both the basic principle of reason as well as the one and only measure of human growth and success. While on the one end, it decides the universal order of things, on the opposite end, it enables us to grow in the presence of everyday life. When we engage in NOUS not only do we find our own direction but also we start to see the essence of the whole.

ART.DE.NOUS is about finding the middle point where intention and outcome, possibility and limitation, potentiality and reality meet. When you find the place of balance on the continuum between opposites, you discover yourself and your unique way forward.

“If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favourable.”
– Lucius Annaeus Seneca
The sight of reason


We have everything we need to live a good life. Yet very often we don’t see that. We don’t see ourselves, our experience, meaning and potential inherent in our very unique personal setup because we are more engaged in just getting by rather than reaching up for something higher. And then something feels off.

  • You don’t know what you want

  • You feel confused or conflicted around your choices

  • You have ‘everything’ yet missing something essential

  • You keep looping in familiar patterns and situations

  • You feel stuck in your own ways, roles and identities

  • You are unable to build fulfilling relationships

  • You don’t find inspiration in your everyday life

  • You don’t feel confident to do what you know is right for you

The sense of grace

Embodied Insight.

ART.DE.NOUS is about the capacity to decide the right direction for you and your life. There is a lot of confusion around both small everyday things as well as big life decisions. And the way out of confusion is clarity in thinking and consistent action. There is no need to force anything, nor to change who you are. The key is to recognise yourself and your role in creating your story.

ART.DE.NOUS invites you to:

  • Listen to yourself and hear your story

  • Question your assumptions and pay attention to your answers

  • Give voice to the parts of yourself that normally stay silent

  • Focus on what is and let go of what no longer makes sense

  • Overcome your own conditions

  • Be greater than your own expectations

  • And, finally, do well what you are most capable of doing

Take the first step today

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